Natural anti-androgen

Spearmint tea for acne works because of its anti-androgenic effects. In simpler terms, it means the tea reduces the amount of androgens or male hormones in the body which are responsible for acne in women. They cause overproduction of sebum that clogs skin pores and then leads to acne and breakouts. High androgen levels also cause excessive facial hair growth and irregular periods. So, drinking spearmint tea can also offer relief from these problems. No wonder spearmint tea has gained so much popularity on the internet with users claiming they have benefited immensely from drinking this tea.

3. Reduces hirsutism in women with PCOS

Reduces hirsutism in women with PCOS

Apart from treating acne, reducing hirsutism in women with PCOS is one of the proven benefits of spearmint tea. A study conducted in 2010 has linked drinking spearmint tea to reducing excessive facial hair or hirsutism, a common problem among women dealing with polycystic ovarian syndrome. The study states that drinking tea twice a day just for a month reduces excessive hair growth. If you are dealing with PCOS or know someone who is, drinking this tea may help them. A natural remedy which won’t have any side effects whatsoever. However, make sure you try it at least for a month or two to see results.

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