For ages, neem has been the go-to remedy in Indian households for a wide range of illnesses and problems, including blood purification, dental cleanliness, ulcer treatment, and scalp washing. This incredibly potent plant's twigs, leaves, fruits, and even seeds are all utilized in Ayurveda in one form or another. In fact, it is referred to in ancient Ayurvedic literature as the universal healer. Thus, neem oil is not only excellent for external application but also for skin and hair health. 

As more and more people turn to natural and organic options to take care of their skin and hair, neem oil has become an important ingredient in hair oils, gels, lotions, creams, soaps, and even shampoos. So, we took it upon ourselves to break down and simplify everything you need about neem oil and how it is good for your skin. Scroll on.

How can neem oil aid, and what is it?

What skin benefits does neem oil offer?

How is neem oil applied on the skin?

How can neem oil aid, and what is it?

What is neem oil and how does it help?

The plant's fruits and seeds are used to make neem oil, which has antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal qualities. Furthermore, it contains significant concentrations of substances that are good for the skin, including as calcium, triglycerides, vitamin E, limonoids, fatty acids (EFAs), and antioxidants. This plant is a fantastic addition to your skincare routine because of all these qualities.

Neem oil is a great way to relieve dry, irritated skin and treat a variety of skin conditions and infections, including acne, psoriasis, eczema, and other infections. It also has anti-inflammatory qualities. Additionally, because it contains antioxidants, this oil is a genuine all-arounder that will help you with any inflammation or other problems you may be having with your scalp with daily use.

What skin benefits does neem oil offer?

How does neem oil benefit your skin?

The list is quite lengthy, though. This oil essentially takes care of everything, from clearing up acne to minimizing scars. The following are some ways that neem oil benefits skin:

Prevents indications of ageing: Neem oil stimulates collagen production in the skin and lessens the impact of free radicals, both of which are major contributors to the prevention of wrinkles and fine lines. This oil's antioxidants and vitamin C aid to increase collagen synthesis, which helps to delay the onset of ageing indications on your skin.

Maintains skin hydrated: Neem oil is excellent for dry skin because it contains fatty acids and vitamin E, which help repair and hydrate dry skin to stop it from getting any dryer or itchier.

Treats acne -

Neem oil is one of the most famous treatments for acne and pimple breakouts. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, when you use neem oil regularly on your skin, it soothes your inflamed skin, kills pimple-causing bacteria, prevents future outbreaks and even reduces post-acne scars!

Reduces discolouration -

Neem oil helps reduce melanin production in your skin, thus using this oil regularly can help prevent hyperpigmentation and gives you even tone and brighten skin.

Prevents blackheads and whiteheads -

The abundant fatty acids in this oil helps prevent scars and blackheads on your skin as it helps heal the skin tissue from within.

Minimizes skin inflammation -

To put it mildly, skin conditions including rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and infections can cause your skin to become red, itchy, and painful. Here too, neem oil proves to be beneficial. Its antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, together with the Nimbin it contains, aid in increasing the synthesis of histamine, which reduces inflammation and the associated redness and itching.

Balances oil production -

The neem oil can help balance the sebum production in your skin and make sure it neither gets too oily or dry, making it perfect for both skin types.

How is neem oil applied on the skin?

How to use neem oil on your skin?

We are now sure about the many benefits of this oil, but how do we make it a part of our skincare routine? We have listed out a few easy ways in which you could use this oil -

For moisturisation -

Mix equal parts of neem oil with another carrier oil like sweet almond, jojoba or coconut oil and use it as a moisturiser on your face and body.

For acne -

Simply apply neem oil with a cotton swab on your acne-infected area and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it away with warm water and use it regularly to see results.

For toning -

As neem helps unclog pores and treat blackheads and whiteheads, it makes for a great toner too. Just boil a few neem leaves in water and use that water on your face as a toner every night for good skin.  

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