Count yourselves lucky if you have never dealt with a blackhead! For the rest of us mortals, the struggle against obstinate blackheads never ends. No matter what we do, it seems like they always manage to stay on our faces and surprise us by appearing in previously unnoticed places.

  • Why do blackheads occur?
  • How to get rid of blackheads organically
  • 1. Sugar and coconut oil exfoliation
  • 2. Yogurt and oatmeal scrub
  • 3. Scrub with raw honey
  • 4. Scrub with lemon and salt
  • 5. Milk scrub with Masoor Dal
  • 6. Cucumber scrub with brown sugar
  • 7. Scrub with lemon and baking soda
  • 8. Scrub with green tea
  • 9. Lemon scrub and cinnamon powder

Why do blackheads occur?

What causes blackheads?

Consider blackheads to be a type of acne. These little lumps are the result of plugged hair follicles. Everybody has clogged pores as a result of germs, excess oil, and dead skin cells. A blackhead forms when this debris is forced onto the skin's surface, where it oxidizes in the presence of air and quickly turns black.

Blackheads can appear on the arms, shoulders, back, chest, and neck, though they most frequently develop on the nose. Blackheads can also result from overproduction of body oil, hormonal imbalances that cause an increase in oil production, and irritation of hair follicles caused by irregular shedding of dead skin cells.


How to get rid of blackheads organically

How to remove blackheads naturally?

Even if they are stubborn, blackheads can be eradicated. You may get rid of blackheads organically, even though there are a ton of in-salon services and nose strips on the market. Try these DIY facial cleanses for blackheads the next time; they're much less expensive and just as effective!


1. Sugar and coconut oil exfoliation

Sugar and coconut oil scrub

Again, coconut oil comes to the rescue! This superfood for skin care has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that keep skin supple and soothed. Conversely, sugar works wonders as an exfoliant, clearing away dead skin cells and clogging pores on the skin. When combined, these substances both nourish and remove blackheads from the skin.

How to make it?

To make this scrub, combine two teaspoons sugar with a small amount of coconut oil. Blend thoroughly and use on the face. After a while of scrubbing, rinse with cold water.


2. Yogurt and oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal and yogurt scrub

Combining the nutritional power of oatmeal and yogurt results in a rich DIY face scrub that is great for blackheads. One amazing quality of oatmeal is that it may absorb extra oil from the skin, which helps to keep blackheads at bay. Probiotic enzymes in yogurt aid to nourish and moisturize the skin in a beautiful way. This scrub also contains a spoonful of orange peel powder, which eliminates the bacteria clogging the pores.

How to make it?

Take a teaspoon and mix in some yogurt with the oatmeal. Mix thoroughly after adding one teaspoon of orange peel powder to this mixture. After massaging it into your face thoroughly, rinse it off with cold water. 


3. Scrub with raw honey

Raw honey scrub

You may already be aware of the fact that this lovely golden liquid is excellent for your skin and your health. Honey moisturizes and exfoliates skin. But did you know that it also aids in the removal of whiteheads and blackheads from the skin? This honey-based DIY blackhead scrub is the ideal approach to take care of your skin because it removes blackheads and exfoliates the skin.

How to make it?

Add a teaspoon each of sugar and lemon juice to one teaspoon of raw honey. Stir well, then use the mixture to give your face a good scrub. Use cool water to rinse it.


4. Scrub with lemon and salt

Salt and lemon scrub

This DIY blackhead scrub is a fantastic blend of vitamin C and the health benefits of salt. Lemon juice exfoliates the face, helps clear clogged pores, and reduces excessive oil buildup on the skin, while salt is an easy way to remove blackheads.

How to make it?

Equal parts salt and lemon juice should be combined and applied to your face thoroughly. After a few minutes, remove it with cold water by rinsing it off.


5. Milk scrub with Masoor Dal

Masoor dal and milk scrub

You did really read correctly. The ingredient in this DIY blackhead cleanser is masoor dal. Milk and red lentils are both good for those with sensitive skin. Blackhead production on the face is prevented by masoor dal, while the milk profoundly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

How to make it?

After soaking the dal in water for several hours, crush it into a paste. Grind this substance one more after adding some milk. After applying and leaving it on your face for a short while, rinse it off with cold water.


6. Cucumber scrub with brown sugar

Brown sugar and cucumber scrub

Brown sugar is a great natural exfoliator that works well for treating whiteheads and blackheads by giving your skin a deep exfoliation. Cucumber helps skin prone to acne and moisturizes the skin. Therefore, you can use this homemade blackhead scrub for acne in addition to blackheads.

How to make it?

Ten tablespoons of cucumber paste should be added to a half-cup of brown sugar. You have the option to incorporate avocado paste into the mixture. After thoroughly blending, cleanse your face. Use lukewarm water to wash it away.


7. Scrub with lemon and baking soda

Baking soda and lemon scrub

Baking soda is a natural exfoliant that removes dead skin cells, preventing blackheads. On the other hand, lemon, which is high in vitamins, tightens and helps open clogged pores, making it difficult for blackheads to penetrate your skin. Consequently, this is a very powerful DIY blackhead scrub.

How to make it?

Combine half a tablespoon of lemon juice with one tablespoon of baking soda. After applying this paste to your face, rinse it off with lukewarm water.


8. Scrub with green tea

Green tea scrub

Green tea is a fantastic beverage for detoxifying your body, but it's also a fantastic detoxifying substance for your skin. Antioxidant-rich, green tea minimizes inflammation, helps eliminate pollutants, keeps excess oil at bay, and unclogs pores.

How to make it?

One tablespoon dry green tea leaves combined with a little water should be blended into a homogeneous paste. After 15 to 20 minutes of application, wash your face with lukewarm water to remove the product.


9. Lemon scrub and cinnamon powder

Cinnamon powder and lemon scrub

Cinnamon powder enhances blood circulation and helps to tighten pores. Lemon is the reliable element that will always come through for you in a big way! In this instance, the antibacterial qualities of lemon combat blackheads, whiteheads, and acne, keeping the skin clear.

How to make it?

To form a smooth paste, combine two tablespoons of cinnamon powder with the equal amount of lemon juice. After 20 minutes, remove this DIY blackhead scrub from your face with lukewarm water.